Friday, March 21, 2014

They took Jimmy down for the bronchoscopy at about 1:30 yesterday , and the nurse said he'd be gone about 2 hours but he didn't get back until close to 5.   Things went downhill quickly after that: his fever went to 39.7, his pulse and breathing rates were rapid and his oxygen saturation dropped into the 60's and we had a hard time bringing it up.  At that point they were talking ICU and intubation and ventilators and hoardes of people were rushing in and out of the room.  I was in total meltdown and called Jamey to come.

They had him in ICU pretty quickly and got him stabilized and I packed up all our stuff and brought it down to the ICU waiting room.  I "slept" in a chair stuck in the doorway between his ICU room and the hallway.  I'm his security blanket and he doesn't want me to get too far away.

He's doing a lot better today, although they want us to stay in ICU tonight.  The results of the biopsy they did yesterday have not come back, nor some of the cultures.  He has been off and on antibiotics and he gets better, then it comes back.  They are trying to pinpoint exactly what organism is causing this so we can clear this thing up.  One of the pulmonologists said this morning that Jimmy probably has had pneumonia for months.  

Someone called Dr. Lonial at home last night about what was happening, and he came up here and checked on Jimmy, then sat and talked with Jamey and me for a long time.  He was very reassuring. 

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