Tuesday, March 25, 2014


The doctors haven't made their rounds yet, but we had a quiet night: Jimmy is resting easily and his temperature is still normal.  His hemoglobin had gotten low, so he got blood this morning.  They cut back the sedation again, trying to see how he would try to handle breathing on his own, but he became agitated  and his oxygen dropped so they turned the sedation back up.

I went down to the little chapel on the 2nd floor this morning, as I often do, looking for guidance and peace.  Before I left, I was reading some of the prayer requests left on a little table there.  They said things like,  "Please help my Grandmom get well" and " Dear God, please fix my wife's brain aneurysm, I don't think I can live without her" and "Thank you for helping heal my little sister." Then I came across one that said, "Dear God, please find me a new apartment."

Will update.

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