Saturday, March 15, 2014

Bloom where you're planted

Last night, between coughing fits, Jimmy turned to me and said, with a hint of wonder in his voice, "You know, you'd think I'd be pretty miserable right now, but I'm not.  I'm actually happy, sitting here with you, taking naps, watching a little TV, waiting for my next smoothie to appear..."  "Me too," I answered. "Weird, isn't it?"

I've been thinking a lot about that. It made me think of the John Milton quote: " The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell or a hell of heaven"  ...or something like that.  Jimmy and I are so blessed to have "cup half full" natures that can be happy, even under adverse circumstances.

We've been camped out, back here in our bedroom for almost two weeks now.  He's still on the oxygen, and has a way to go but is significantly better than he was, and that is something to smile about.

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