Friday, April 4, 2014


Yesterday Jimmy was sharp and alert, but he's slept most of the day today, and is much less responsive.  I'm surprised because he got 1000 mg methylprednidone - really high-dose steroids - this morning in an effort to resolve some of the inflammation in his lungs.  I expected him to be bouncing off the walls, but so far, he's calm.  It may be a long night though, like with a colicky baby that sleeps fine during the day, then cuts up all night long.

During the past 2 weeks, Jimmy has eaten practically nothing.  After he got off the ventilator, he could eat pudding consistency  foods, but his intake has been so small, and yesterday they said nothing by mouth, as he is a high aspiration risk. This afternoon he started on TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition) which is administered by IV.  It contains carbohydrates and protein and fats and electrolytes - total nutrition.  Maybe this will pop him up a little.  How can someone regain strength if they're not getting any fuel?

This big old bag of milky-looking stuff should supply Jimmy with all the nutrition he needs
I'm hopeful that we are on an upward trajectory, and that inch by inch, we can make our way back to a reasonably good place.

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