Thursday, February 21, 2008

We had an appointment with Dr. Lonial, and Jimmy's blood tests show that his counts are continuing to improve. We've passed the 30 Day marker now, and for the next two months, the order of the day is to get Jimmy healthy and strong again.

The 100 Day appointment has been scheduled for the latter part of April, and that is when we'll have some idea of where we are with the cancer. Another bone marrow biopsy will be done, along with a complete evaluation. We are optimistic that the transplant put him into remission, but we won't know until then.

Jimmy wants to go home, and I'm anxious about it: I have more control over him here, and I'm afraid that if he gets home, he'll try to do too much. And I understand that flu is rampant in Valdosta. We'll see.

1 comment:

glenda and griffin said...

Your number one priority: Stay well, both of you.
Stay away from sick people.
God bless