There was a young woman in the chair next to mine, who had brought her small dog with her. The dog, which looked much like my darling sorely-missed Andy, had on a sweater, and sat quietly in her mistress's lap, immobile but to give a shy tail-wag to passing patrons who cooed at her. I couldn't resist taking a surreptitious photo of the little pooch, with my trusty phone camera.
Jimmy has some good days, and some that aren't so good, and that's just the way it's going to be for a while. Yesterday he felt great, and today he has dragged around, washed-out and lethargic. He gets lab work done Tuesday, and something is probably out of kilter, like his hemoglobin or his potassium. That can be easily remedied. Or it could be the Melphalan; it has only been a little over three weeks since he had high dose chemotherapy, and time will cure that. He's doing fabulously, considering.
We want to see the new do on you Ellen. How about a picture please. I feel like you are a ghost writer.
Gary and I have been keeping up with Jimmy's progress and are so happy he is doing well. I too was at Jamison Shaw yesterday and saw this very cute, well-behaved dog. We must have just missed each other. I agree with puddingtane - you should post a picture!
Betty Gene Birdwell
We can only suppose that Ellen would post a picture if only she hadn't lost her nose or maybe her mouth or some other catastrophe. Come on Ellen. With a "new do" It cannot be too bad.
Jimmy's progress is amazing to me. I pictured the two of you stuck in a hospital room for a month. The angels must be working overtime. Love to you both and to Andy
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