Monday, January 14, 2008

Medical Trivia

You can pick up all kinds of informative tidbits when you spend your time hanging around hospitals. One of the nurses who used to work in bone marrow transplant told us that in addition to the Kepivance, if you keep something cold in your mouth during, and for thirty minutes after, the administration of chemo, it'll prevent mouth sores. I bought a big box of popcicles today, and we figure that between those and crushed ice, we can keep the inside of Jimmy's mouth cold for a few hours tomorrow and Wednesday and Thursday.

Last week, Jimmy was complaining to the nurses about the neuropathy in his feet (painful tingling nerve damage caused by chemo, that makes his feet feel like they're asleep). Another patient sitting nearby overheard, and told us that soaking your feet in warm water with epsom salts helps. We tried it last night, and Jimmy said it gave him a lot of relief.

We also learned that after after the transplant, Jimmy will have to be re-vaccinated for everything. His immune system will be gone, so he'll be starting over at ground zero, just like a baby.

1 comment:

barbara and pat said...

You remain very strong in our thoughts and prayers,especially these next few days-- as you go into the hospital on Tuesday,know that we are all there with you- your devotion to one another and your commitment to fight this disease are an inspiration to us all..we are reminded that every day is a precious gift. Thank you both for the notes that you sent us-- Ellen, my email is do you have a mailing address at the hospital? We love you both and will be thinking of you all day on Friday- Our love,Pat and Baboo