Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Revlimid increase

We got the results from Jimmy's blood and 24-hour urine collection tests today, and the cancer is stable and at the same level as last month.  It's good that it isn't going up, but we need for it to keep dropping, so Dr. Lonial is going to double his Revlimid dosage and see if that gets it moving in the right direction.  We hate that it zaps him so hard, but we've got to do it.

He's having pain in his ribs and back so he's getting an MRI at the end of the month.  It could be nothing or it could be the myeloma causing trouble again.

He's doing well, all things considered, although chronic fatigue continues to be an irritant, but if he gets plenty of rest and paces himself, we can enjoy a relatively normal life.

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