Friday, October 8, 2010

All done

The race is run. I survived, and except for a checkup every now and then, this interesting little segment of my life is finished. We came up here in late February and will be leaving in the fall, so we spent all four seasons in Atlanta. The being sick part wasn't any fun, but all in all, we had a pretty good time.

Randy Crosby and Will Foss, who work for Jimmy, came up today to get the furniture and some paintings and things we had brought with us, and tomorrow Jamey will help us get the other stuff loaded in the van. It's amazing, the amount of junk you can accumulate in a few short months. Then tomorrow, maybe Sunday, we'll ease on down the road. It all depends on how we feel after trying to cheer UGA on to a badly needed win.

I got along okay with the radiation, except that it has knocked my all blood counts down again, especially the platelets, the bane of my existence. As they build back up, I hope my energy does too.

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