Tuesday, August 19, 2008


The evening before we came back to Valdosta, Jimmy and I had dinner at the home of our friends, Glenda and Griffin Bell. Jimmy had been there before, but I had not. "You're going to love it," he told me on the way: what an understatement.

The rain and drizzle had reduced the visability, but still....when I stepped onto the back porch, I gasped, then was nearly overcome by a strong urge to throw my arms up ino the air and burst ino song: "THE HILLS ARE ALIVE with the sound of music..." a la Julie Andrews. The view is beyond description.

Griffin insists that on a perfectly clear day, he can see the Atlanta skyline. Glenda, when asked if this was true, said, "Maybe...with very strong binoculars and a very good imagination."

Jimmy and Griffen, who pledged KA together fory-seven years ago, stand in front of the main cottage. There are four structures, built in 1934, that look like the setting for a fairy tale book. Magical.

This really is a room wih a view.

The view overlooking the koi pond.

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